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Termivore's log() function is a useful and versatile method that will be able to tackle most of your logging needs. It can log out in a variety of preset colors, as well as specific hex and rgb colors. You also have the ability to pass in your own ANSI codes if you need to do something a little more complex.

Basic Use

The most basic use of the Termivore logger is like this:

import { log } from 'termivore';

log('I log to the console').print();
const termivore = require('termivore');

termivore.log('I log to the console').print();

The most important thing to remember is to always end a log function with a chained .print() as this is what triggers the log to be printed to the console. There a few reasons for this, but it's mainly to allow the use of chaining styles, appending logs, etc.

Adding Color

There's a variety of preset methods you can chain to log() to change the color of your log, both text color and background color. However, if there's a specific hex code or RGB color you wish to use, then don't worry, this is also possible with the log function!

Text Color

You can change the color of your log text very simply, by doing:

import { log } from 'termivore';

log('I\'m blue!').blue().print();
const termivore = require('termivore');

termivore.log('I\'m blue!').blue().print();

Available preset colors

To see a full list of the preset colors you can set, by chaining methods like above, please see the Chainable Methods section of this page

Background Color

Changing the background color of your log is just as easy as changing the text color, every available method you can chain to change the color also has a Bg counterpart:

import { log } from 'termivore';

log('My background is blue!').blueBg().print();
const termivore = require('termivore');

termivore.log('My background is blue!').blueBg().print();

If you wish to change both the text and background color of a log you can simply chain up the commands:

import { log } from 'termivore';

log('My text is black, my background is white!').black().whiteBg().print();
const termivore = require('termivore');

termivore.log('My text is black, my background is white!').black().whiteBg().print();

Adding Styles

As well as colors, there is also a variety of styles you can add to your logs too

import { log } from 'termivore';

log('This text is bold').bold().print();
log('This text is in italics').italic().print();
log('This text is underlined').underline().print();
const termivore = require('termivore');

termivore.log('This text is bold').bold().print();
termivore.log('This text is in italics').italic().print();
termivore.log('This text is underlined').underline().print();

Log Replacement & Deletion

The log function isn't just colors and styles, you can also manipulate the logs that have already been printed to the console.

Replace an already printed log

If you've printed a log to the console and then wish to change it, you can do:

import { log } from 'termivore';

const logId = log('Previous text').print();
log('Changed text', logId).print();
const termivore = require('termivore');

const logId = termivore.log('Previous text').print();
termivore.log('Changed text', logId).print();

Remove an already printed log

Removing a log from the console after it's printed works the same way as replacing a printed log, however you just pass a blank string

import { log } from 'termivore';

const logId = log('I am going to be removed').print();
log('', logId).print();
const termivore = require('termivore');

const logId = termivore.log('I am going to be removed').print();
termivore.log('', logId).print();


Creating complex logs with appended text is made simple with Termivore, wether you just want to add another string to your log, or specifically style elements of your log text.

Appending text

If you're doing more complex logic with your logs and wish to append text to a log before you print it then this is possible with the chainable append method. As with all the log's chainable methods you don't have to do it all in one, you can assign the log to a variable and update it with appends (or any chainable method) until you're ready to print it.

import { log } from 'termivore';


const greetingLog = log('Hello,');
const termivore = require('termivore');


const greetingLog = termivore.log('Hello,');

Appending a log()

When you append to a log, it doesn't always have to be a string, it can also be another log. For example if you wanted to print a message to the console where one part of the message is styled differently, appending a log might be the best solution:

import { log } from 'termivore';

const boldGreenName = log(`${name}!`).green().bold();
log('Hello,').append(boldGreenName).append('Nice to meet you!').print();
const termivore = require('termivore');

const boldGreenName = termivore.log(`${name}!`).green().bold();
termivore.log('Hello,').append(boldGreenName).append('Nice to meet you!').print();

Chainable Methods

There are many available methods you can chain to the log method before finally chaining print, some of which you may have seen in the examples above, here is the full list of methods you can chain to a log().

Method Arguments Description Example
append appendedMessage: string or Logger Used to join a string or new log to an existing log 'original log message appended red message'
bold n/a Used to change the text to be bold bold text
dim n/a Used to change the text to be dim dimmed text
italic n/a Used to change the text to be italic italic text
underline n/a Used to change the text to be underlined underlined text
black n/a Changes the text color to black black text
blackBg n/a Changes the log's background color to black black background
red n/a Changes the text color to red red text
redBg n/a Changes the log's background color to red red background
green n/a Changes the text color to green green text
greenBg n/a Changes the log's background color to green green background
yellow n/a Changes the text color to yellow yellow text
yellowBg n/a Changes the log's background color to yellow yellow background
blue n/a Changes the text color to blue blue text
blueBg n/a Changes the log's background color to blue blue background
magenta n/a Changes the text color to magenta magenta text
magentaBg n/a Changes the log's background color to magenta magenta background
cyan n/a Changes the text color to cyan cyan text
cyanBg n/a Changes the log's background color to cyan cyan background
white n/a Changes the text color to white white text
whiteBg n/a Changes the log's background color to white white background
rgb rgb: string[] or r: string, g: string, b: string Changes the text color to the RGB color provided rgb(246, 118, 74) text
rgbBg rgb: string[] or r: string, g: string, b: string Changes the log's background color to the RGB color provided rgb(246, 118, 74) background
hex hexCode: string Changes the text color to the hex code color provided #937490 text
hexBg hexCode: string Changes the log's background color to the hex code color provided #937490 background
ansi ansiCode: string Adds the provided ANSI code to the beginning of the log so that the ANSI code action is performed for the log